New Construction
Deep Energy Retrofit
for Residential + Commerical Projects
Architecture Firm with aspirations to comply with AIA2030
Yarrow Architecture can be your solution.
We create roadmaps for renovations or design new construction projects, both residential and commercial.
Services for Design Clients
Reach out via the Contact Form and tell us about your project. Based on our conversation, we can arrange an initial meeting to get to know each other better.
[For both Retrofit + New Construction Projects]
Programming: analyze the space your project needs, think through critical adjacencies, consider future use and discuss how these desires work with your budget range.
Site Visit: walkthrough and conversation about your goals, explore what you love about the land or existing building, discuss challenges and opportunities
Design: initial design ideas for your project. At Yarrow, we carefully consider the imprint we make on the land and in a neighborhood, your local shading and solar orientation, inspirational precedent work, and develop creative ideas to get you excited about the journey ahead.
Feasibility Report: which will include important information you want to know on day one, such as:
Code Review: Zoning + Building
Our Energy Review: A schematic level analysis utilizing the latest designPH Passive House software, with a chart comparing different energy standard options.
Goal Setting: At the conclusion of the feasibility work, we will have a meeting with you to walk though the design ideas, options, and the results of the Feasibility Report. We will collaborate to set your Project Goals and Define the Scope of Work you will need to move forward.
After completing the Feasibility Report, we will continue to a Design Services Contract. Below are the typical phases of full architectural services:
Schematic Design
We use the pre-design work and goals set to create the architectural design. By the end of this phase, we will have:
o Selected a single design that will be developed further
o Have checked our selected design against our project energy goals
o Have selected a certifier if moving forward with a Certified Passive House project
o Interviewed and/or selected a contractor to be our partner moving forward
o Have a budget discussion at the end of this phase with the client’s chosen contractor about the scope of work and the budget range
o Have identified the project team we will need during the next phase of design (such as structural engineer, Passive House consultant, civil engineer, etc)
We believe in collaboration, and prefer to work with a team, especially a contractor, early in the process.
Design Development
The building’s exterior, interior layouts, and room sizes are finalized, and material studies and selections begin. By the end of this phase of work, we will have:
o A preliminary level construction document set that can be used for pricing by the contractor
o The exterior envelope strategy [roof, walls, foundation/slab and windows] have been finalized with contractor feedback discussions
Construction Documentation
The details the contractor needs for project permitting and for project construction are completed. By the end of this phase all energy model work will be completed.
Your architect is your advocate during construction, makes periodic visits to observe the work, and answers contractor questions throughout the building process.
We also find creative solutions to everyday problems that, inevitably, arise during construction. We enjoy working with your contractor to tackle issues, and have connections to Passive House trainers in the US when resources are needed.
This phase of work is critical and mandatory, especially for high energy efficient, Passive House construction.
See this Owner’s Manual resource from the Passive House Network. Enjoy the low energy costs, more comfortable interiors, and fresh air of your finished project.
A Special Note on Retrofits + Right-Sized Building
At Yarrow Architecture, we have a special interest in adaptive reuse and retrofitting our existing, built environment to be durable and comfortable for future generations.
Building material that is preserved and reused is a low-carbon choice. We excel at reworking tight or unfunctional spaces into spacious feeling and enjoyable retrofits.
We use the EnerPHit retrofit standard, established in 2010 by the Passive House Institute, as our guide for deep energy retrofit work.
We are excited to provide a phased roadmap for Passive House or deep energy efficient renovations. While it is always easier to retrofit all at once, we recognize that this option isn’t always feasible. If all work cannot be finished at once, we work with you to plan out the work over time.
We also believe in efficient design and not building more than you need. We will discuss program overlap, opportunities for flexibility, and suggest options for right-sizing your project. Material that is not used, ultimately, is as affordable and low-carbon as you can get.
Dramatic Before / After Photos of Interior Home Renovation of Saved Historic Worker’s Housing in Minneapolis.
-Conrad + Nutt Studio 2010
We don’t see competitors. We see collaborators.
Services for Architecture Firms
At Yarrow, we believe that building for our low-carbon future is a non-competitive endeavor and knowledge and experience must be shared.
We love to collaborate with other architecture firms on strategies to elevate your sustainability goals through design and detailing. We can also help you navigate the AIA 2030 Challenge process.
It all begins with a firm assessment and conversation. We see where you are, listen to what you need, and recommend next steps to inject sustainable design thinking into your projects. Think of us as the Sustainability Director you wish you had.
We understand small architecture firms. We know that it is difficult to keep up with sustainability knowledge when you are already wearing multiple hats and always short on time.
If you had access to a Sustainability Director, what would you want them to do? That is where Yarrow Architecture can help. Some possibilities to consider:
AIA 2030 Goal Setting
Widening your material specification options to include product necessary to reach Passive House levels of air tightness and moisture open standards
Look at material substitution options for reaching low-carbon targets
Mentoring for AIA 2030 DDx Reporting
Architectural Detail Review
SD level analysis using the Passive House Sketch Up plug in Design PH for feedback on orientation, mass, windows, etc.
Connection to our network of Passive House pros and knowledge
Yarrow Architecture’s mission is to do what we can to make deeply energy efficient, low carbon, and healthy buildings mainstream. We work with you to build up your expertise in sustainability methods until it is as easy to implement as basic building code.
We believe in designing buildings that also challenge the status quo where most buildings are built only to meet the minimum energy code allowed by law. Instead we use building science, energy modeling, and historical vernacular knowledge to match the building envelope with the local climate and conditions for each project. We do this using the Passive House method, which is an international building standard with a 30 year track record of delivering healthier, more comfortable buildings that also decrease operational energy use by around 80%. This method has been endorsed by the UN as a solution for reducing climate change impact.
Passive House Curious?
Want to learn more about the building standard the United Nations has endorsed as a means of fighting climate change? See the Passive House page, as well as the non-profit organizations Passive House Minnesota or Passive House Network for free education, resources, and to attend local meetings and events!
See Passive House Accelerator for additional, educational information, including podcast, video and live virtual events.
How do I know if a material is a Healthy and Low Carbon Building Product?
We love the easy to understand website at Informed by Habitable.